Pioneering Protection and Profit

Digital Finance Service Provider

A highly-technical, European financial service company, specialising in digital asset:
from automated asset-management and arbitrage for sophisticated investors, through smart-contract based hybrid financial instruments (swaps, futures, forwards, ...), to governance and compliance services, for corporate customers.


Rocks and Surf

Finance 2.0

Blockchain and distributed ledger currencies, have led to an unprecedented surge in financial innovation:
New currencies. New approaches. New products.

Highly-complex financial products, previously considered niche, can now be provided efficiently, to anyone.


Crypto currencies and mechanisms, do pose some challenges to both investors and businesses:

  • The complexity involved, is beyond the capability of most companies and investors.
  • Regulatory issues grow in inportance and to engage with them, requires specialised expertise and effort.
  • Security from both external and internal parties, is a critical factor in all cryptocurrency related activities, and is a key focus for all of our products and services.

Our Solution

We combine world-class financial expertise, with secure automated services. By continuous monitoring of market activities, and automated execution, we protect customer assets, while being ready to exploit emerging opportunities. This enables us to bring financial products to a wide market, which were previously considered nichem rare and complex.

As a result, we can gain yields significantly higher than those of legacy financial products, with high potential for inflation protection.


Products and Services

Our service portfolio is continuously evolving, in response to market trends and customer feedback. We comply with all applicable regulations, in the relevant jurisdictions. We provide our Limited Partners with comprehensive audit, governance and independent reports, to ensure their awareness and support.



Secure Asset Management

Security is our priority, for all activities. We combine state of the art Hardware Security Modules, with offline and cold wallets, multisig authentication and multi-factor account access. Often overlooked, we support key real-life scenarios such as corporate signing authority policies, account ownership transfer, escrow and inheritance.


Secure Currency Exchange

We enable our customers to pledge and retrieve assets in both fiat and crypto-currency forms. Due to our economies of scope and scale, for the bulk transactions we engage in, we can often obtain optimal conversion rates, and lower fees. We also trace the history of all transaction parties and their funds, to avoid dealing with stolen assets, or nefarious partners.



Our platform is designed to identify arbitrage opportunities, on many levels (quantitative, execution and technical). Our company is built to continually review and apply new harvesting strategies. Successful strategies will be offered to limited partners via virtual funds, allowing partners to decide themselves on the level of risk/performance and on attributes such as Sharia-compliance, ESG concerns or any other valid criteria.


Staking & Lending

Holders of crypto-currencies are interested in gaining yield from these assets, without risking their loss, and without the complexities involved in self-management. Our approach is to offer such partners, access to managed staking and lending services, as both provider and as consumer. Short and longer term durations are both supported.


Bespoke Analysis & Advice

Due to our expert engagement, continual analysis and our platform's capabilities, we generate unique insights on market activities and trends. As part of our customer engagement, we not only generate regular reports on such analysis, but we can respond with customise briefs, on specific issues of Limited Partner concern.


Emerging DeFi Instruments

Every actual and emerging crypto-asset related mechanism, will be evaluated for usage. Should an external service prove promising, we will extend out platform support to interact with it, negotiating wholesale rates when appropriate. Additionally, we wish to provide our own mechanisms, such as Smart Contract based Automated Cross Swaps, providing crypto-asset holders with safe, short-term liquidity, and protection from volatility.


Our team combines highly-experienced, high-level financial experts, with technical and business administration veterans.


Dr. Bernhard K. Meister

Chief Financial Strategy Officer
Bernhard Meister has a Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics from Imperial College in London. He has taught Quantitative Finance at Asian and European Universities. His more than two dozen publications covering topics in Physics and Financial Mathematics have been cited a thousand times. He worked in the financial industry for over a decade, registered multiple patents, founded and led startups, and is an active investor in real estate.

His current focus is on the emerging field of Quantitative Finance as applied to blockchain based currencies and mechanisms. His relevant published formal papers, with some additional notes, are available from the MK2 Finance resources hub:
Info ...

As Chief Financial Strategy officer, Dr. Meister leads our financial analysis team, in designing, validating and executing our portfolio management and arbitrage strategies.

Ronan Kelly

Chief Technical Officer
Ronan is an experienced IT Solutions Architect who has created multiple secure platforms and services, for governmental, telecommunications and banking/brokerage customers.

Ronan is fascinated by the potential for distributed blockchain based systems, to extend and replace traditional financial and governmental systems.

As CTO, his responsibility is to lead in the design, implementation and operation of the secure services and platform.

Rainer Kandlhofer DI

Chief Operations Officer
Rainer studied business informatics at the University of Applied Sciences Campus 02 in Graz. As an SAP consultant, he has performed many payment and corporate financing related projects for international companies. His passion is digital transformation and the application of new technologies to business improvement. As a serial technology entrepreneur, his focus is on business process efficiency through automation, especially payment/finance flows, such as e-invoicing and the associated regulatory/tax activities.

As Chief Operations Officer, Rainer Kandlhofer manages all commercial activities, such as sales, marketing and controlling. He is also responsible for all business operations, including back-office execution, regulatory compliance and blockchain-enhanced financial transparency.

Lukas Fabrykowski

Head of Financial Software
A highly accomplished software developer, experienced in the creation of financial software for traditional arbitrage, and compliance metrics for national regulators, Lukas actively explores the practical application of financial theories to Blockchain-based instruments.

Currently, Lukas is preparing a PhD in Financial Mathematics.

Guided by the theories of Dr. Meister, L.F. leads the financial software team, which implements the core trading engine.


Should you be interested in becoming a Limited Partner, or just wish to learn more about our products and services, please complete the form below and we will be in touch.
